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On rickshaws and government failure




I first came to Beijing as a student in 2003, when the ubiquity and cheapness of taxis (they were red in those days) was frankly a delight. I could go almost anywhere in Beijing for the price of a can of Coke in London. I don’t remember many rickshaws on the roads. In 2008 I returned to live in Haidian for half a year; again, the only place I remember seeing rickshaws was Houhai, where I looked on them with disdain as absurd throwbacks for tourists. How silly, I thought, to see rickshaws in this busy 21st century metropolis, with 3.5m cars already on its roads.


2003年,我作为学生第一次来到北京,当时(还是红色)的出租车随处可见,而且价格低廉,着实很爽。花着在伦敦只能买到一罐可乐的钱,我便能打车周游北京。回想起来,那时并没觉得路面上有许多三轮车。2008年,我回到海淀住了半年,当时也只能在后海见到三轮车——那会儿我会用鄙夷的眼光打量它们,认为那是游客才用的落伍工具。我那时觉得, 在繁华的21世纪大都市里,马路上跑着350万辆车,三轮车显得好傻气。


I moved back to Beijing in January this year. China has changed tremendously, of course. Its GDP has doubled; its carbon emissions have doubled; the balance of its population has shifted from rural to urban. But as a Beijing resident, I find two changes have had a particular impact on my life: first, the greater availability of cheese; and second, the lesser availability of taxis. I’d like to write about the second.


今年一月我又搬回北京了。显然,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,GDP翻倍,碳排量翻倍,人口比例也从农村向城市倾斜。居住在北京,我发现其有两个变化对我的生活影响很大:首先,更容易买到芝士了; 其次,更难打到车了。我想就后者多说几句。


To state the obvious: it’s very difficult to get a taxi in Beijing during the morning and evening rush hours. Lots of people have written on this, and the basic facts are clear: the number of taxis on the road (66,000) has remained constant for years, but demand has increased significantly as incomes have risen. To make things worse, while drivers’ costs, particularly fuel, have risen steadily, until this spring their fares had been held at the same level since 2009; so drivers were reluctant to pick up passengers in heavy (i.e. rush hour) traffic. As many as 10,000 cabs were apparently idle at peak hours. Recent fare rises may help, but will take time to filter through.




The market responded to the growing mismatch between supply and demand by diversifying supply – most notably, it’s clear, in the form of rickshaws. So a decade after I first visited, and found a Beijing in which rickshaws seemed a distant memory, they’re back – everywhere. Cycle rickshaws, rickshaws with electric motors, three-wheeled disability carriages, even open-backed three-wheeled minivans all carry passengers. I take a rickshaw to and from work most days.




At first, I pegged this as a textbook case of overregulation causing retrogression in the quality of a service industry, what Ronald Coase (who died on Monday) called ‘government failure’. It was, I thought, as though the overregulation of airlines had brought about a revival of the biplane, or interference in the telecoms industry had caused people to revert to messenger pigeons.




But now I’m not so sure. My daily commute by rickshaw is much quicker than by taxi, as the rickshaw can use cycle lanes. It emits less carbon, and no particulates at street level. And it doesn’t contribute to the number of cars on Beijing’s roads, already up to 5m.




Quicker, cleaner, greener; I’ve begun to think that by artificially depressing taxi fares to limit inflation, the Beijing city government has unintentionally brought about a sustainable revolution in the capital’s transport. In the context of a war on PM2.5, further limits on car registrations and possibly a congestion charge, perhaps it’s time to make a conceptual leap, and recognize that taxis today are what rickshaws seemed thirty years ago – out of date.




The rickshaw’s day has come again. To paraphrase Orwell: four wheels good, three wheels better.








1篇文章 10年前更新

杜英泉是英国驻华使馆北方地区合作处的二等秘书。此前,他在伦敦供职财政部和内阁办公室。他曾在剑桥大学修读历史专业,并在牛津大学,北京大学及台湾国立师范大学学习中文。他的新浪微博帐号是@杜英泉_英国大使馆 :http://weibo.com/duyingquan

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